Sunday, June 22, 2008


We spent a week in North Carolina visiting Brent's family. During the week we took up letter boxing. Letter boxing is where you are given a location to start and then follow a set of clues until you get to the final destination and the letter box. It was a lot of fun figuring out the clues. The first three pictures are of a trip to Croatan National Forest where we located 2 boxes. The hike stared on the boardwalk which is the first picture. The second pictures was about a mile into the forest where they started to look for the first box. Hunter found a gecko that interested him more than the box. Braden found the box. Then we went in search of the next box. The last picture is where we found the box. It ended up being a 2 mile hike for us. We also had to rush because the park was about to close. It was a lot of fun finding the boxes.

Another day, we took the afternoon and headed to the nearby aquarium. Of course, there was a letter box to be found. The boys found a turtle on this adventure which had to constantly use the restroom.

These are a few of our adventures on this vacation. I wanted to see how this blog worked. If it works ok, then I will attempt to keep it up. Enjoy!